Jerry Mallonee, Youth Pastor

Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 10:45 A.M.

PRELUDE                                                             Denise Bixby
WELCOME                                   Youth Pastor Jerry Mallonee
ANNOUNCEMENTS-PRAYER              Elder Michael Sevcik
SONG LEADER                                                 Jerry Mallonee                        
Call to Worship"Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose."     Philippians 2:2

Hymn: "In Christ Alone"

Hymn: "Glorious Day"                                

Tithes and Offerings


Hymn: "Crown Him with Many Crowns"

Music Ministry: "Hallelujah to the Lord!"                       Choir

Scripture Reading: Acts 25:13-26:27

Message: Paul's Trial Before Agrippa      Pastor Vernon Welkner

Hymn: "I Love You, Lord"

Closing Prayer                                                    Michael Sevcik

​The Nursery is available during the church service for those parents wishing to use it.

 Updated 9/24/2024 by Pastor Vernon Welkner
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26480 187th Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048 • (913) 727-1576
9:30 AM Sunday School Classes for all ages
10:45 AM Morning Worship Service


The Fall Quarterly Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 20 after the Morning Worship Service. Nominations are being accepted for one elder and two Building and Grounds Board members.

If you would like to follow the Lord in Believer's Baptism, please see Pastor Vern.

We welcome three new members of High Prairie Church: Michael and Esther Ray and Michelle Metcalf.

Prairie Kids Junior Church: Children age 4 to 4th grade meet downstairs during the service. Junior Church includes music, solid Bible teaching, a snack, and games. Parents or guardians should come down to pick up their children as soon as the church service concludes..

The Missionaries of the week are Brian and Jennifer Masters who serve with Hope Coffee which supports missions in Central America. They are headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

Quote of the Week: "Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ."    Charles Spurgeon

Food Donation Baskets are located in the foyer. The food will be given to The Leavenworth Salvation Army. They have need of boxes of macaroni and cheese and cans of soup.

​Anyone who desires to provide special music for the service should contact Worship Elder Matt Chambless or Choir Director Tamara Sevcik.​

Children's Church - Children age four through 4th grade - Meets in the Tabernacle basement when Pastor Vern begins his sermon.